Monday, February 2, 2009

Today is the day

I wish I were not a mom..... I wish right now I was a working woman with no kids, who could wear nice outfits to work and work out when I got home and was free to go anywhere at anytime without this feeling of heaviness that has to follow me everywhere I go, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I've never gone out after work for cocktails with friends(I've never had alcohol in my life.) ....But right now, that just sounds so fun and freeing.
(I'm also emotional, tired, and pregnant and I've just hit a wall today.) This is how I feel right now. I really wish for at least 5 minutes I was not a mom


Claire said...

You are in my prayers....we have had some tough days around here too so lately I can truly empathize. You are in my prayers.

ps--will does have an appointment tues so we cannot make it:(

Lori Leigh said...

So sorry sis. I remember when I was pregnant with my third and had a young one and a toddler. I had some pretty emotional days where I was ready to abdicate my mommy position. I'll be praying for you and maybe we can do something fun when you come down next week!

Bonnie Jean said...

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Love Kids, Will Travel!