Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sledding Last Saturday

It has not snowed for at least two weeks, but the snow on the ground is hanging on. It's as hard as a rock from freezing and thawing, but it still makes for good sledding....just don't fall off. H2 walked to the top of the hill by herself everytime in her heavy little snow boots. She didn't ever accept the free ride, unlike her older sister, who gladly accepted the free ride everytime.This is the park @ the end of our street.
"Slinging" in the snow according to the 2 year old. For some reason she substitutes the letter L for the letter W. She also says "slimming" in the "slimming pool."
"I want to walk daddy." (She's a trooper.)
Heading to the car, H2 finally decided to take a rest.


Bonnie Jean said...

I love the snow, but I have to say that I'm enjoying 71 degrees and lots of sunshine today in Oklahoma. Hopefully this weather will last long enough for you to enjoy too. See you soon.

Lori Leigh said...

How fun! My kids would love the snow!!! We'll have to come visit sometime during winter.