Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blog Updating Marathon-5 posts in one day

So after our last house posting, we had several friends come out and help deck the roof. Thank you soooo much (Dan, Jason, Mike,Don)! I had no idea how scary it was until I went up myself. Then EJ spent a lot of time in the cold wet rain sheeting the house. (Thanks again Jason for helping.) Then EJ almost fell off the roof and we kind of went through a period of disenchantment with the whole house building thing. Thus, I kind of lost my enthusiasm for blogging. And then we moved again, had Thanksgiving and then E went to Israel and I went to visit family. We are now back on good terms with the house building thing, and I have now found a day to start blogging again.
So after the roof was decked and the sides sheeted, the roofer finally started roofing. Those are packets of shingles up on the roof. My parents came out to help and my dad finished a lot of stuff that had to be done in order to get our rough-in framing inspection. He spent a lot of time up on ladders (which is not exactly his favorite thing) in my house that has an 18 foot ceiling. I believe he left some of his blood on our walls. Thanks for all the help and self-sacrifice! After the rough-in, we had a million decisions to make as the plumber, electricians, and heating and air guys all came in and did their stuff.My dad and EJ wrapped the entire house.Our good friend and soon to be neighbor also helped with the wrap. So, then EJ went to Israel and I went south.
When we left, they had about 1/4 of the house sided.

Ok, here is the most recent picture I have of our house. Although it actually has a garage door on it now. So I'll try to take a more updated picture as soon as I can. Double 5 inch traditional lap siding. Harbor Grey -Mastic Siding. The porch posts will be built out to 6x6 and painted white(linen) and have rock about 1/3 of the way up. The windows will be all wrapped in white(linen) metal, there will be a wood porch and the front door will be stained a cedar color with the side lights painted white with grids. There will be rock around the front door area. A metal roof still needs to be put on over the porch. The garage has Timber Stone cedar shakes in the eave (by Mastic). It will shortly have board and batton siding (We just ran out) across the front, with rock about half way up each side. It does have a garage door, not shown in this picture, with Stockton Colonial windows and bean straps and handles (handles & straps not yet applied.)

Side of the Garage.

Below are some houses in a neighborhood that I used for inspiration for the board and batton, rock, garage doors and cedar shakes.
Zoey our mouse killing machine....better than any cat...leaping and darting and making her rounds across 10 acres. I try to take her out there whenever we go. She definitely knows that it is our land. She is ready to be a farm dog.
Back of the house. LJ's room will have a deck off the 2nd story. And there will be a wooden deck under the porch on the back with the posts built out and painted white (linen.)

Back of the garage.
The insulation has been blown in and the dry-wall is almost complete. It will take a couple of weeks for the mudding and taping and then it will be time to paint and tile. More decisions!


Lori Leigh said...

It's going to be beautiful! We can't wait to come visit!

avant said...

Kim, the house is fantastic! I love the huge porch.

Bonnie Jean said...

The siding really looks nice. I love the vertical siding on the garage and the "cedar shakes" above the garage door. Good choices.