Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Times with Grandpa!

What can make a grown man bark like a dog, crow like a rooster, and jump into a kiddie pool?
Either there's something in the water, or two little girls have got his heart!

Everytime Hattie & Hailey went down the slide, they'd give their grandpa a hug!

A Hug for Grandpa!

Watching for Airplanes!

Roger and Lola live near the airport, and an airplane passes over about every minute or two. Hailey and grandpa sat outside watching airplanes for about an hour. Hailey would say "Airpane...it's coming." Since then she keeps her eyes on the sky and lets us know when she sees one.

"Airpane.....it coming."

Hailey being silly with Grandpa!

1 comment:

Lori Leigh said...

There is just something about girls and their grandpas! Mine can have hers wrapped around her little pinki in 2.5 seconds flat! It is so funny!