Friday, May 2, 2008

Friday Favorites

This is my new favorite product. A tan covers a multitude of sins. (Or atleast cellulite and stretched tummies.) As my friend Vicki Peoples use to say..."Tan fat looks better than white fat." This product is's not a self-tanner, it just makes you a nice sun-kissed color all-over, that is darker than you are now. It doesn't make you orange...wash your hands when you are done. They have it for fair, medium, & dark skin. I use the medium and love it..... I saw on Rachel Ray the other day that several "stars" use it as it must be good stuff. So, if you don't have time to work out, at least make yourself a little tanner, and you'll feel thinner.... I promise. You can buy it @ Wal-mart and I'm sure any grocery & drug store


Mrs. Troop said...

Yeah! I love that stuff! You should come over and link to Mrs. Troop. We have fun doing FFF over there. :-)
Happy Weekend~

Lori Leigh said...

Okay, so I am going to go get some of this! The stuff I tried last year didn't work so well. I had a hard time getting it even! Acck! Have a great Friday!

Mrs. Troop said...

Thanks for the kind comments! Glad that you are enjoying the blogging so far. It's fun, isn't it? You should hear my kids every time something happens around here, "Are you going to put that on your blog?" Too funny!
Happy Sunday!

nipnlap said...

I picked some of this stuff up but keep forgetting to use it. Guess it doesn't work unless I actually put it on right?