Monday, September 1, 2008

Birthday Party!

Someone special turns 4 on Wednesday. But since we have soccer and youth group Wednesday night, we had a little party with a few of her best friends on Sunday evening. This was not quite the masterpiece I was imaging, but Birthday Girl said "Mommy, this is the best cake ever. It's got spots all over it. How did you ever know?" I felt like I had made a masterpiece. We put the top "tier" of the cake in the freezer
to celebrate with our family Wednesday night.

Look @ those two beautiful girls!

"Cheese"! We had hotdogs with our friends before we had cake!

I don't think the birthday girl got to blow out her own candle.... She had lots of help. (She will on Wednesday.)

This was the calm before the storm. We (all of the parents) tried to keep the kids sitting on the couches as Birthday Girl opened her gifts. It started out organized, but then all chaos broke out, and everybody helped B.G. open her presents too. It was comical. I was trying to take pictures and lil' sis of course was the worst. (I was really proud of B.G. because she didn't seem to mind all of the help.)
This was a puppy from Grandma for her dollhouse.
I think her exact words were "Oh how wonderful! It's cool. I like it!"


Lori Leigh said...

She looks SO grown up! And I LOVE the cake! Too cute! Tell the birthday girl we send our love and our present should be there any day now.

Rebecca said...

I love Hattie's cake! You really did a great job on it.

Happy Birthday to Hattie! Hopefully, her card will be there soon!

Mrs. Troop said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!