Big sis never new she had a copy cat.
Here is a video of Big sis posing for that perfect look after her slide.
More Posing....
Big sis loved going down the waterslides for 2 weeks, but never by herself. At the end of the 2 weeks going down slides, big sis very confidently went down the big slide by herself. In fact she had never gone down the big slide yet by herself, we were at this brand new pool and we were walking from the kiddie pool to the big pool. Myself leading followed by big sis, lil' sis, then dad. I went around the corner, put my stuff down and then looked at the big pool as a tiny girl came down the slide and went under and then doggie paddled to the side. I first thought. "That little girl is going to drown." Then, "Oh she has on floaties." Then, "hey that's ______!" My husband then came around the corner and I looked at him and he looked at me. We both thought the other had let her go down. We both thought that she was with the other one. So as she passed the stairs she had just run up them and had gone down this 4-story slide all by herself. If anybody asked me if she would have done that, I would have said "no way". "She is too scared. She will never go by herself". Well, she proved us wrong, and got in trouble for going off by herself.
Here is a short video of her going down with Dad!